Announcing 14 PBSA Members Accredited to BSOAP General Standard

PBSA is thrilled to announce the accreditation of 14 member organizations who have successfully met the requirements of the General Background Screening Accreditation Program.


Like our U.S. Standard, the program includes both a rigorous desk audit, which is a review of all policies and documentation as well as a virtual audit of the organization’s operations. This accreditation is valid for five years from this announcement date and will include the standard Interim Surveillance Audit (ISA) at three years, before a full reaccreditation after five years.


The following, listed in alphabetical order, comprise our first group of organizations accredited to the General Standard:


  • A.M.S. Inform Private Limited
  • Accurate Background, LLC
  • Accurate Information Systems, LLC
  • Corporate Research & Investigations, Ltd.
  • First Advantage
  • iCOVER
  • ISB Global Services
  • Neeyamo
  • Pinkerton India
  • Presearch Background Services
  • Security Watchdog
  • Sentinel Asset/SmartScreening
  • Verifile, Ltd.
  • Vertical Screen, Inc.


This Standard was added to PBSA’s Background Screening Organization Accreditation Program, providing an opportunity for organizations providing screening services around the globe to showcase their commitment to excellence. It is available to both PBSA members and non-members alike, along with PBSA’s U.S. Employment Screening Standard. We hope to add additional accreditation programs in the future to include even more member types.


We congratulate this group for their achievement and are happy to welcome them to our growing list of accredited companies, currently numbered at 128. The accreditation program is a demonstration of the commitment organizations make to professionalism, compliance and continuous improvement in their business operations.


A HUGE thank you to Deb Doepp (PBSA Staff), Michelle Leblond (Director of Operations), our auditors and the Background Screening Credentialing Council (BSCC), currently Chaired by Marc Bourne, for all their work and involvement in making this second accreditation program a success. This was no small undertaking and could not have been done with the involvement and support of those named above.

As a global association with members and geographic councils all over the world, PBSA makes an ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusiveness.

This communication is for PBSA members only and may not be forwarded outside of PBSA, posted online, or otherwise reprinted in whole or in part. Except where otherwise indicated, articles are copyright (c) by PBSA 2024. All rights reserved.  

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